February 18th - March 20th
We are living through potent times.
There is the dying of an old way and the dawning of something new, yet ancient.
What has been is no longer working. Big corporations that don’t have mother earth’s best interest at heart. The over work mentality that has women burnt out and depleted. The isolation from each other & community. Disconnection from the earth.
It’s time to restore the fertility of women and the earth.
It’s time to turn the wasteland into a glorious garden.
There are infinite ways to do this, and one that is often overlooked in this age of science, is the potency of ceremony and offerings.
Imagine this…women around the world coming together on the powerful day of spring equinox to enact a ceremonial offering to mother earth for the restoration of fertility.
There is record that this happened in ancient times, and we are recreating it now.
I hope you’ll join us for the 5 week Fertility Ceremony Event.
For the 5 weeks leading up to the equinox, we will dive into ancient fertility wisdom & education through learning from 11 incredible experts on topics ranging from ancient goddess wisdom, water magic, sacred union, fertility in the body, death, and more! There will also be meditations, dances, singing transmissions and other free gifts.
Your body is nature. We inhabit our bodies for maybe 100 years if we are very healthy, and then they return to the earth.
Therefore the fertility of Gaia is directly connected to the fertility of women.
What is fertility? The definition means to create from a place of abundance.
To be fertile doesn’t just mean creating other humans, but creating anything.
The fertility of woman and earth are one.
We heal together.
In ancient times, we honored the great mother goddess of fertility. She has many names and many faces, but one of the oldest is Inanna. I love how ancient texts speak of her body as being deeply connected to the fertility of the earth.
“As she arises from the king’s embrace, the barley rises with her. Within her, the desert is filled with a glorious garden.”
Her body is the earth’s body. They are one.
Let us restore the wasteland to the fertile garden through the power of ceremony.

You Receive

Six Live Expert Masterclasses
Every Friday at 11am PST & one bonus Saturday at 12pm PST, we will come together to receive a powerful live 60 min masterclass from one of our guest speakers.
Five Special Gifts
Each week, you will receive a special gift such as a meditation, dance practice, ceremonial template, or sound transmission from 5 other experts.
Ceremonial Offering to the Earth
You will learn why offerings are important and why they work. I will share with you a gorgeous fertility offering ceremony to do on Spring Equinox. My vision is women around the world honoring the earth in this way together. You can adapt the ceremony to your personal spiritual beliefs.
Replay Recordings
You will have access to the free content through March 28th.
Join Any Time Before Spring Equinox
Even though we begin February 18th, you can join us at any moment.

Your Hostess

FEBRUARY 18th: Ancient Goddess Fertility Magic
Dakota Chanel is an ordained water priestess and mystic. She uplifts women around the world to remember & reclaim their inner magic & gnosis through her online Water Priestess Mystery School, Amrita Orgasm Course, Worship Mentorship for Lovers & Water Priestess Retreats. She has supported thousands of women in over 15 countries to be empowered in their divine feminine being. You can find her barefoot in dresses, celebrating the beauty of life with her beloved in Hawaii.

Guest Expert Interviews

February 25th: Waters of Fertility
Annwyn Avalon is a Water Priestess and Water Witch with over 10 years of Water Priestess experience and over 15 years of Priestess and Magical experience. She has devoted her life as a Priestess to the path of water, which is expressed through the study and creation of art, witchcraft, temple arts, dance and water magic. She has a BFA in sculpture and a BA in anthropology and has completed her Reiki Master teacher training and studied herbalism and Middle Eastern folk and esoteric dancing. Annwyn writes the Patheos.com blog, The Water Witch, and is an award-winning, internationally known dancer with a repertoire of water and mermaid themed belly dance performances. Visit her at waterwitchcraft.com and TriskeleRose.com for more information.

March 4th 2022: Womb Healing for Creativity
Allie McFee is Women’s Health Coach, Womb Priestess and Pleasure-Led Expander who guides transformational workshops and retreats and certifies womb-healers in the online Juicy Feminine Leadership Academy™.
She has helped thousands of heart-centered womxn with full schedules liberate hormonal challenges, emotional eating patterns and sexual trauma through embodiment rituals to manifest their dreams from magnetic overflow. Her Womb Clearing guided rituals liberate femprenuers from emotional stagnation to receive as a clear channel. Connect with Allie at ModernGoddessLifestyle.com and hang out on Instagram and Facebook at @moderngoddesslifestyle.

March 18th 2022: Nourishing Your Fertile Body
Iris a certified Holistic Cycle Guide, Hormonal Health Coach and Birth Worker with an academic background in medical anthropology & women’s studies. She also qualified in holistic women’s health, traditional midwifery practices, and trauma informed coaching. Her work revolves around our menstrual and life cycles from periods to postpartum. In all her work, the main focus lays on getting to know our bodies (gaining body literacy), sharing tools to make informed body choices and cultivating a sense of body belonging throughout all changes and cycles our bodies move through. Learn more at cycleseeds.com

March 19th 2022 2pm PST: Kontomblé Channeling
Aislinn Kerchaert is an Initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, Artist, Poet, and Healer. Over the years, her work with Spirit, ancestral healing, and earth-based ritual has touched an ever-growing community. Her seasonal offerings center around the teachings of the Kontomblé, who are the little people of the earth, and reuniting individuals with their ancestral roots, and unique soul purpose medicine. Together, they hope to create a space of play, a space of sanctity, and a cocoon of transformation for beautiful souls to dive deep into the waters of their creativity and discover the treasure chests waiting there to be shared with the world! Learn more about Aislinn’s offerings at singswithtrees.com

March 19th 2022, 1pm PST: Qoya Fertility Dance
Elisabet Alfstad is a Passionate Priestess of The Sacred Heart, a Sister of the
Venusian Rose Lineage, An Experienced Womb Healer, a Devoted Qoya Dance
Teacher, a Guardian of Sacred Lands and she is walking the Mary Magdalene
Healing Path. She has always been deeply devoted to the Ancient Egyptian
Sacred Sexuality and Healing and Goddess Isis Magic. Over 15 years ago,
Elisabet created the Sacred Scrolls – a Holy Handwritten manifesto made with
Your Heart and Soul to Manifest the Life of your Wildest Dreams.
Elisabet is here in Divine Service; to embody, educate and elate the Divine Sacred
Feminine Light and Goddess Energy within all. She travels internationally to teach and share her wisdom on retreats, and workshops. For bookings or inquires please connect with Elisabet at [email protected] and visit her on instagram @QueenElisabet88.

Guest Expert Gifts

Aja “Solé” Shah is the temple guide of the Goddess Temple of Love and the creatrix of Devi Tribe Wellness. She is dedicated to raising the vibration of love on the planet through awakening the Goddess within every woman. She is a trusted, loving and highly skilled Priestess and guide for many women. She has traveled the world studying and immersing herself in the wisdom of many ancient traditions and has had the privilege of sitting at the feet of many wise teachers and elders.
Solé is available for domestic and international retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements. For musical bookings/performances, email Kavon Shah at [email protected]. For spiritual and wellness bookings email Cypress Lee at goddesstempleoflove@gmail.


Marya Stark is a vocalist, composer, performer, and multi-instrumentalist. She is a discoverer of archetypes, storyteller, bard, and muse.
As a multi-instrumentalist and multi-media enchantress, she creates the way she breathes; without choice or hesitation. She is a carrier of myth, mystery, and medicine songs with which she embarks to create a ceremony of the human experience, taking her audience on lucid journey’s through the caverns of the soul.
When she is not on stage or composing music, Marya teaches as a mentor in the art of voice, cultivation of the muse, and song craft. She is the founder of the Temple Of The Muse, leading inner alchemy through immersive expressive arts containers, Vocal Core Resonance trainings, and Womb Wisdom within the Rose Bard Arts. Discover more at Marya-stark.com

Shona Keeli is the founder The Rose Lineage Mystery School, A Mystery School for The Venusian Rose Temple Arts; She is a Mother Priestess, Rose Empress Initiator, and Gifted Womb Oracle. Shona is present in this time of awakening to support the budding and blooming of the divine feminine expression and exploration of the inner power through The Trinity of the Holy Grail. The sacred heart, the holy womb center, and the yoni ( vagina ) – these three spaces are the birthplace of all creation, and they carry the most pristine untapped erotic energy available to women. By supporting women to remember how to embody supreme self-love, thus opening the temple gates for a magical manifestation of the most pleasurable and authentic life. Discover more at TheRoseLineage.com

My wish for you...
My intention is that this free 5 week journey be deeply nourishing and inspiring for you.
That you feel more connected to your essence, fertility, creativity, womb, and the earth!
That you receive tools and transmissions to anchor glorious frequencies of heaven on earth into your body & life.
That you feel held in a powerful field of friendship with women around the world.
And that our offering ceremony is the purest and deepest possible blessings to mother earth.
I look forward to being on this journey with you.