5 Month Online Mysterium
Culminating in a Virtual Zoom France Pilgrimage to Sacred SitesThe Mermaid Bride is Rising and the Veil is Lifting for the Revelation of Heaven & Earth.

What is a Mermaid of the Magdalene?
In Egyptian, Mary is derived from Meri which means love or beloved. Mer is the French word for sea.
Miriam and mar in many languages also means sea.
The Mer aspect of Mermaid means beloved, love, or sea, so what does maid mean? On the surface, maid means servant or in service to. However, another meaning is a virgin or state of purity.
So what is in the name Mermaid?
A pure woman in service to the sea of the beloved.
A perfect description of Mary Magdalene.
We are in the time of the mermaids and the return of the Divine Feminine. Mermaids represent what we need to return to if we hope to evolve as a species. They symbolize immersion in the elements, connection to the cosmic womb, sacred sexuality, alignment with the Divine Mother, beauty, grace, love and sensuality. The same energies of the Magdalene.

We Begin May 13th 2025
“Love refuses nothing, and takes nothing; it is the highest and vastest freedom. All exists through love. It does not say “this is mine” but “this is yours.” Spiritual love is a drunkenness and a balm; those who are anointed by it rejoice.”
- Gospel of PhilipA lineage almost forgotten, but never lost emerges from the ocean’s depths, a clarion call for our times.
The lineage of the…

Mermaids of the Magdalene.
Water Priestess Arts, Divine Union, and the Path of Love.

The most pure divine feminine teacher that I know is the water.
Water. Not just a substance, she is the Divine Mother incarnate.
Without her, nothing living would exist.
The water is the root of the lineage of love.
She is the primordial fabric all beings are woven from.
Water reminds us we are stronger together and that we are all connected. Regardless of culture, religion, race, or personality, she cradles us all in her infinite embrace.
And one of the most inspiring water women to ever walk the Earth has a story that is longing to be told and even deeper than that, a rapturous consciousness desiring to be embodied by those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Magdalene was a woman but this word is a title for a high priestess of the serpentine anointing mysteries of the mother Goddess. A state of embodied being that existed before who we think of as “Magdalene” was born, exists now, and will exist as long as the Earth. Because a Magdalene is woven into the destiny of Gaia herself. We are part of the original Gene-Isis of the planet who chose to stay here just as the Magdalene with the holy creed, “Nobody gets left behind”. As long as it takes, we will remember and forget and cradle ourselves home into Union.
Stories shape our world.
Magdalene’s story reminds us that our humanity is holy.
Our grief is as sacred as our joy.
And our hearts are the way home…

“The disciples said to Yeshua,
“When will you depart from us? Who is to be our leader?” And Yeshua said to them, “I will not leave you orphans. When a father goes away, it is the mother who tends the children.” –Gospel of the Beloved Companion.
Magdalene, the Feminine aspect of Christ, the embodiment of Sophia, the other half of the union, stayed on Earth. After the horrific grief of the crucifixion, she had the courage to live and teach.
Christ taught for three years, Magdalene’s ministry likely lasted over three decades.
A Christianity that is divorced from the Feminine aspect of Goddess is one that I have no interest in.
Just as a Goddess tradition divorced from the masculine aspect of God is one that I have no interest in.
Christianity was originally a mystery school of divine union.
Both the masculine and feminine.
Anchoring Heaven on Earth.
However, because the feminine aspect of the story was burned, tortured, beheaded, and persecuted for thousands of years, and in many places and ways is still under violation and threat, it is vitally important that we focus on the reclamation of Her story and teachings.
The sanctity of the body, the preciousness of the earth, the worship of the Mother.

Magdalene’s legacy did not die with her body. And it did not die with the Cathars, who are her spiritual descendants, who walked into the flames for Truth.
It will never die.
As it says in the Gospel of Philip, “Truth is our mother and knowledge is the promise of our union with her… The Truth is sown everywhere, existing since the beginning. If you know the truth, the truth shall make you free.”
“Wine is strong. The King is stronger. Women are stronger still. But Truth conquers all” -Rosslyn Chapel
The Truth is simple, yet hidden in plain sight. It lives in the air, in the water, in your bones, in the sun, in the moon, in all things of nature, in your inner most heart. The rapturous love story that we are the children of pulses through the very fabric of life itself calling us to remember. Whispering in the gentle way of the soul to let go of what we are sold and told is important in this modern culture, to align with the greater current of Love.
As Yeshua said:
“Only from the truth I tell you, unless you change and become as little children, you will not gain the kingdom. When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner and the upper like the lower and when you make male and female into a single one…only then shall you gain the kingdom…then you will become children of the living spirit, and when you command the mountain to move…it will move.”
The True Treasure of the Holy Grail lives WITHIN you.
The Dragon Mothers are Awakening.

What is Magdalene’s legacy of love that she planted in the South of France?
Where did the lineage of the Magdalene begin, evolve, and continue when Magdalene left her body?
Who are the Cathars and why are they of immense importance for this lineage?
Who is Esclarmonde and how does she teach us of the “Magdalene” way?
What are the foundational water priestess ceremonies that women of this lineage practiced?
What is the significance of the black madonnas, apparitions, and miracle springs?
Who are the well maidens and their shining realms of the otherworld as connected to this lineage?
How does kundalini and the dragons relate to the lineage of the prophetesses and myrrhophores?
What is the holy grail and why does it matter?
What is divine union and how do we practice it?
What are dragon lines & star gates, and why are they so essential to the lineage?
And so much more…
However, even more important than answers to these questions, I hope that the spiritual teachings, scripture readings, mantras, songs, and water ceremonies will uplift your spirit, nourish your soul, and support you to deepen in your communion with the Beloved. This mysterium is designed to be a living temple space to drink from the wellspring of the Magdalene mermaid mysteries.

As described by Yeshua in the Pistis Sophia“Whose heart is raised to the kingdom of heaven more than all thy brethren… Thou are blessed before all women on the earth because thou shall be the fullness of all fullnesses and the perfection of all perfections”

We gather live bi-weekly on zoom

12 Live Calls
Live calls are always on Tuesdays at 10am PST. The calls alternate back and forth between a historical/educational call and a spiritual teaching call. Call length will average 90min.
Live calls are video transmissions, there are no visual slides unless I’m showing relevant images. I will not share source material for information as it will all be in my upcoming book.

Virtual France Pilgrimage
Our final call will be a 3 hour online Zoom pilgrimage to some of my favorite Magdalene/ Cathar sites in the South of France.

6 Water Rituals & Ceremonies
I will share 6 water rituals and ceremonies that I believe Magdalene or her descendants practiced. You will practice them in your own time outside of the live calls.

Gospel Teachings
We will be reading from many of the gnostic gospels learning about the Goddess tradition within Christianity.

Mantras and Prayers
We will learn mantras and prayers in both Aramaic (Yeshua’s native language) and Hebrew.

Magdalene Art
Every other call, I will share some favorite artwork of women from the lineage as well as the layers of symbology within. Most of them will likely be new to you as I’ve found them in corners of museums around the world.

Book Recommendations
You’ll receive a list for recommended reading.

Private Telegram Group
You will receive access to our private telegram group where you can connect deeper with the other women on the journey.

1 Year Access
You will have access until May 13th 2026

"You must awaken while in this body, for everything exists in it: Resurrect in this life."
-Gospel of Philip

Month One
Magdalene, Her Ancestors & Descendents
Magdalene’s journey in France
2 Essential Water Rituals & Prayers
Scripture Teachings
Love and Compassion vs Judgement and Wrath

Month Two
The Cathars, Esclarmonde,
and other female saints
Ritual Washing
Scripture Teachings
Wisdom and Understanding VS Ignorance and Intolerance

Month Three
Sacred Springs, Black Madonnas, Apparitions
Stargates & Dragon Lines
Offerings & Libations
Scripture Teachings
Honor and Humility VS Duplicity and Arrogance

Month Four
Sacred Sensuality & Venus, Redeemed Sexual
Energy, Dragon Mothers, Kundalini
Self Sensorium & Amrita Orgasms
Scripture Teachings
Strength and Courage VS Illusion of your Fears

Month Five
Divine Union & Myrrhophore Mysteries
The Holy Grail and Becoming a Vessel of the Goddess
Anointing, Blood Mysteries, & Baptism
Scripture Teachings
Clarity and Truth VS Confusion and Lies

Online France Pilgrimage
As completion, on September 30th 2025, we will gather for 1.5 hours, enjoy a break, and gather again for 1.5 hours to enjoy a virtual pilgrimage to my favorite sacred sites in the South of France. Finishing with a completion meditation.
I will show you video footage and photographs with stories of many precious sacred sites associated with Magdalene and the Cathars. We will approach it with reverence as an online transmission and pilgrimage, so you may commune with the energies through the visual journey.


In this mysterium, Dakota will share many streams of information, but she will not share her sources as they will be in her upcoming book.
Join By April 15th and 15% Early Bird Pricing!
Joining this course does not automatically guarantee you a space in any in person pilgrimage as there is a separate application process.

Dakota is an incredibly humble yet powerful embodiment of the Divine Feminine, walking in deep integrity and alignment with the teachings of Magdalene and Christ. She is so deeply steeped in the living mystery & well aware of intricate layers of history that most people don’t know of through her extensive research & firsthand experiences in France. – Sita
Dakota’s love and respect for Mary Magdalena, who she really is, was evident and the basis of drawing each of us together. It felt like this pilgrimage was a legacy of love Dakota had returned to and was now inviting others to return to too. Every moment of it was a dream. Dakota held a container of sisterhood, relaxation, ease, feminine energy, transformation, delight, & peace. Her embodiment of these things made the container natural & supportive. -Kim
There is a certain magic about honoring all that radiates through Dakota—a true Magdalene in every sense of the word, a Water Priestess, and basically Aphrodite incarnate, embodying all aspects of the Divine Feminine in ways that I have never before witnessed in this lifetime. It was evident in the words that she spoke, actions that she took, and pathways that she illuminated for others. -Kathy
Dakota practices what she preaches and more importantly: she embodies every piece of wisdom she shares. She holds such a pure, innocent, powerful and clear frequency that is profoundly magnetic. -Iris
Dakota’s in depth knowledge and wisdom was so beautifully and authentically shared with us. I felt so deeply held and honored to be experiencing her codes of love, truth and beauty of the Divine Sacred Union. She truly is a living example of one who lives her truth, and walks her path continually. She is such an inspiration of devotion to her heart that you can see that inextricable link between her heart and life path being one and the same. -Tera

Dakota has had the honor of journeying to the south of France for extensive pilgrimage four times over the past 6 years to commune with the land, do research for her upcoming book, and remember the magic of Occitania. Each time she goes, more is revealed. The land is an ancient manuscript that unveils new meaning the more you read it. Dakota has been studying Mary Magdalene since she was 18, water priestess arts since she was 21 and leading retreats around the world for 8 years. It is her highest joy to share these teachings of love and union to co-create heaven on earth. She recently discovered that her mother is 50% French by DNA testing and has been discovering more of her French ancestry, including 14 recorded ancestors named after Magdalene. She can’t wait to share this beautiful journey with you.
EMAIL [email protected]
“In this temple space, you become all things and you see yourself no more; and in that All-Other you become all things, and never cease to be yourself.” – The Gospel of Philip