A 6 month deep dive into the magic of water and divine feminine rites of passage.
Pre-recorded for you to journey at your own pace…
Can you Hear the Waters of Love Calling you Home?
It's time to Baptize in your Brilliance♥
“If only you could feel how precious you truly are.”
The Divine Mother whispers to me softly as I float in the waters of her embrace
You don’t have to do anything
Or say anything
To feel this Love
To feel this Wholeness
You are worthy through the very truth that you exist
Do you know this?
Purity of Love
Mother Love
Throughout the ages, there have been water priestesses, mermaids, water medicine women, ladies of the lake, sirens and all aspects of woman as water.
These woman are called to consciously tend the waters of life
in their bodies and the world at holy springs, wells, rivers, lakes, oceans
Practicing ancient priestess arts such as baptism, anointing, scrying, ritual washing, dowsing, sacred song, birth, death & sexual mysteries
And most importantly, the principals of
Divine Mother Love, Grace, Surrender, Compassion, Flow, Softness, Unity & Strength
that the water teaches
There is a Water Priestess within us all.
Calling us to remember the way of the waters of love.
In this 6 month journey, we will dive into the heart of Divine Feminine Mysteries through the
Vessel of the Water.
Purify our Bodies. Activate our Voices. Ignite our Hearts. Deepen into Gnosis.
Come home to the Ocean of your Essence
Be bathed in the arms of the Divine Mother
Enter the Womb of Unity
Let her hold you in the Mysteries of Love
Do you hear the call?
We need the medicine of the sacred waters. The divine mother. We must return to honoring the waters, the feminine and our bodies. Knowing how to tend the thresholds of conception, birth, menstruation, sexuality, menopause and death. The full spectrum of embodied feminine essence.
We are over 99% water at the molecular level. We are liquid moving oceans.
Changing our relationship to water changes our lives. Heaven on earth is possible.
We must choose it in our own bodies and lives every day.
Water Priestesses Around the World are Awakening.
The Water Priestess Mystery School is a grand commission that has changed my life on every level.
I feel so honored and blessed to have answered the call and to have been initiated into these teachings.
Throughout this journey, I found my way home to a deep part of my soul.
I would recommend this course for any woman that wants to deepen their connection to source, the water and their true essence as a human being.
I can freely say that my life changed.
I am more aware, more in my body, more in love with everything around me, and quality of my life and my work changed.
Curriculum Overview
This is a one of a kind journey.
It is what I wish I’d had been able to learn in one place about the water priestess arts & divine feminine embodiment. You’re receiving what took me 8 years of work, travel, study, and investment distilled into a 6 month journey.
The school ran live for four years, and it is now available as a recorded journey that you can do in your own time.

Water Temple Arts

Month 1
Water Priestess Embodiment
Creating a Water Altar
Sourcing Drinking Water
Cymatics & Vibration
Water Science Education
Reconception Ceremony
Water Blessings & Libations
Fresh Water Springs

Month 2
Water Birthing & Dolphins
Rebirthing Ceremony
Water Scrying
Water Womb Meditation
Self Massage Care
Eating for Hydration
Water Elixer Baths
Ponds & Lakes

Month 3
Menstrual Blood Transmission
Ritual Washing
Creating a Water Chant
Sacred Hair Tending
Hydrosols & Flower Essences
Juice Fasting
Water Womb Dance
Rivers & Waterfalls

Month 4
Amrita Orgasm Education
Lingam Worship/ Sacred Semen
Trauma Clearing Ceremony
Sacred Union Teachings
Mermaid Transmission
Magic of the Ocean

Month 5
Water Dowsing
Geospirals & Laberynths
Magic of Menopause
Art of Baptism
Cleansing & Purification
Magic of Hot Springs

Month 6
Medicine of Tears
Grief Releasing Ritual
Water’s Role in Death
Sacred Dying & Burial
Sharing Water Priestess Medicine w/ Community
Magic of Rain & Snow

Guest Water Wisdom Speakers
Bi-monthly 60 minute interviews with 12 inspiring guest speakers.

Other Sharings
Each month, we will also learn about different Water Goddesses and receive Water Chants, Journal Prompts, Beauty Tips & Extra Curricular Deepening Links.
You Will Receive

12 Recorded Ceremonies
These are recorded live calls, so you are led through them as if in real time.
You’ll learn the history of libations with beautiful images. Then we will share in a water blessing / libation ceremony with sacred intonations.
I share with you my two most priced and precious recipes for ritual washing water (you’ve probably never heard of them before). You’ll receive information and history of these water blends. Then we will move into a powerful ritual washing for clearing grief.
This is an ancient water priestess art. I share the history and all the options, then we do it together.
Our hair is 25% water by weight. I like to call it the waterfall of our crown. It’s actually one of our extra senses! I share a healing water hair ritual.
These are just 4 out of the 12 ceremonies.

Audio Transmissions
You receive audio recordings of live calls containing the curriculum base that can be listened to at any time. Most are 60 minutes, but some are less or more.

Monthly Embodiment Content
You will receive video/audio/PDF educational inspiration, interviews, meditations & practices.


“Allow the waves of water to woo you into this enchanting Water Priestess Mystery School, you won’t regret it! It embodies such a deep, rich, ancient vibe while being fully modern in its online setting. Dakota is an absolute wealth of wise woman knowledge, intertwined with a light and loving presence that makes learning from her a breeze. I left every class feeling inspired, honored and nourished. So glad I followed my heart’s call to join!
It opened my eyes to actions and feelings I had embodied my whole life, and gave me direction on how to truly nurture the strong desire to support my community and the waters of the world.
From meditations, special speakers, beautifully thought out lessons and enriching assignments, how-tos, and a beautiful online portal space to contain it all – Such a knowledge filled experience I will never ever forget.”
“When I found out about Dakota and her amazing work, I started crying with happiness. Deeply touched by the message she shares with the world. I was sooo happy that I could be a part of her Water Priestess Mystery School. In these 6 months, we dove deep, and I can freely say that my life changed. I am more aware, more in my body, more in love with everything around me, and quality of my life and my work changed.”
“The Water Priestess Mystery School is a genuine immersive experience. Dakota demonstrates her deep connection to the Priestess arts and teaches from a place of divine mission work. The course itself is very well rounded in the sense of its ability to fulfill every curiosity I had with tangible scientific evidence of the magic and powers of water to the deeply profound esoteric nature of water herself.
Throughout this journey, I found my way home to a deep part of my soul that I had felt disconnected from for a long time. I am so grateful and honored for my experience and will always refer to the course material to deepen my understanding and connection to the Water Priestess Arts. I would recommend this course for any woman that wants to deepen their connection to source, the water and their true essence as a human being. The knowledge is always inside of us, it is simply a deep remembering of our True nature…Dakota taught me this and I am so grateful.”
I loved this Water Priestess course. It was so informative, full of love, and true teachings. Lots of things have shifted and come into my life as I started this beautiful course, including meeting my darling beloved man who I adore and adores me like I’ve never known, but always longed for. The information provided in your course is delivered and received so effortlessly. Im using so many of your teachings in my daily life and feel a sense of connection and gratefulness as a result.
“Felt truly blessed to be guided by our beautiful Water Priestess Dakota on this spiritual journey. I felt so loved.
I loved how it flowed, each month had a theme and we learned so much about ourselves and our relationship to water. Each theme touched very important aspects of our developmental growth as humans and as women. We learned many sacred ways to honor water and the waters within ourselves, by doing ceremonies and rituals, and how to live in harmony with water.“
Tori Feldman, Sacred Ancestry
“I had little understanding of the Pre-eminent and Redemptive Grace of our Cosmic waters before I enrolled in the Water Priestess Mystery School. I feel so honored and blessed to have answered the call and to have been initiated into these teachings. Dakota embodies the essence of our Mother Waters. She is joyous and playful and loves with a tender yet fierce, generous capacity that gently flows towards all her initiates.
Her extraordinary wisdom reaches beyond her years, she is loving and giving, always offering beyond the Curriculum to extend her support to our journey into the Gnosis of Water. Her reverence to our Mother waters is an Art-form that she curates and refines continually like the ebb and flow of our Seas. Like the Ocean she has her own curative, healing life-force.
The Water Priestess Mystery School is a grand commission that has changed my life on every level. For those who hear the whispers of our waters. I urge you to set sail on this voyage with Dakota.
Hope, faith and love depend on it.”
“I am forever grateful for the mermaid codes that Dakota holds. She is Pure Love, Source Consciousness.
I have had such a deeply nourishing soul expanding heart enchanting 6 month water journey with her.
She teaches the water mysteries with such grace and passion activating the crystalline water in your body and assisting you to remember your divine inheritance.
Her water wisdom is truly Magic and has really assisted me in melting into deeper layers of my own water wisdom.This experience has been so deeply transformational and has fed my soul in the most nourishing ways.
I just want to redo it over and over again.
This journey will forever be encoded in my heart and will definitely add so much magic to the work that I share as a Water Priestess. I am eternally grateful.
“Going through this journey with Dakota has been such an honor. The knowledge and learning she provides within this container is amazing. She is a true water priestess and her knowledge knows no end. I would highly recommend her to anybody wanting to work with her”
“The Water Priestess Training helped me so much to connect with water in a sacred way. The most important thing that I noticed in myself is that, now, I live more in service to water instead of asking her to do something for me. In devotion, but at the same time, realising that I am part of water and water is part of me. I knew this more on a mental level, but I have been experiencing it and embodying this knowing thanks to the rituals and activities we did. I really enjoyed doing different rituals with water, always feeling a deep presence and, at the same time, silence, stillness and peace.”

What is a Water Priestess?
In my definition, a water priestess means being in active devotion to and communion with the waters of life and womb of creation. It is the gnosis that water is an elemental representation of the divine mother. The portal through which light & consciousness is able to incarnate into form. The mystical physical source of life, water love. We understand that we are made mostly of the water, this planet is covered mostly in water, and that we can heal ourselves and the planet by cultivating a deeper relationship with this precious substance as expressed within and all around us. A water priestess can be from any religion, any race, any culture. There are water tenders in all ancient cultures. If the title of priestess doesn’t resonate with you, you can choose a word that feels more in alignment with your soul such as water medicine woman, water wisdom keeper, or something similar.
Websters definitions of a Priestess:
: a woman authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion
: a woman regarded as a leader (as of a movement
My definition of a Water Priestess:
The above definition as pertaining to the water while also
Not being “perfect” or “enlightened” or a “goddess” or a “master”.
But a priestess. In devotion to embodiment.
The same thing being a mermaid means to me.
Being in service to the sea of love.
What is a Mermaid of the Magdalene?
I never resonated with the classic starfish in the hair, Barbie style mermaid, nor the dark fanged, lure sailors to their death version. There was something more mystical and sacred regarding my desire to live under the sea. That the mermaid essence I’m most aligned with in my heart of hearts is a vital part of my own feminine essence expressing itself on the planet at this time in human form.
Our essence (higher self, soul, ext) is always moving through our lives, pointing us toward things that feel aligned with who we are. And we are more than just Human. Our consciousness is currently experiencing itself by identifying with a body, but our consciousness is so much more. I know mermaids, faeries, dragons, phoenixes, elves, and all manner of combination of these things. Some people just don’t seem as human as something else.
In my own personal mythology, I’ve always resonated deeply with the water. I’ve been told by many different intuitives that an aspect of my consciousness seeded and experienced itself as water in the beginning of this planet, that I’m a water naga (dragon), mermaid, and that I’ve lived under the sea. Honestly, I feel more at home under the water. If I could, I would move into a crystalline home on the sea floor and have dolphins and exotic fish as my neighbors.
I remember during the darkest times in my life, around age 15, when I went to the Caribbean and had an experience of complete soul embodiment standing in and staring at the sunlight dancing upon the turquoise waters. It was the most exquisite feeling of peace and precious perfection. Despite what was going on in my life, my essence still managed to shine through all the turmoil I was experiencing and the water acted as a trigger for remembrance. My relationship with the water has blossomed in that I no longer look at it as just a substance, but I see her as the elemental embodiment of the divine feminine.
The water represents deep feminine wisdom, the principals of love, surrender, flow, shape shifting, purification, and trust. She is a being of profound Grace, of artful alchemy. When do I feel most aligned with these things? What gets me feeling all wet and oceanic? Mystical union with God.
My relationship with God (source, creator, ext) has always had a certain texture. A romantic, mystical Rumi quality, a special aliveness felt purest alone, either in my own sacred space or out in nature. This feeling stimulated not by modern belief systems, or current experiences common in this age, but the deeper connection with the fabric of life itself. The wisdom of Love. Not a little love, but the big holy shit this energy is what created the whole universe kind of Love. I’ve come to realize that all of true life is an act of love making. The merging of the father (sun, light, electricity, fire, ext) and the mother (earth, matter, magnetism, water, ext).
As a little girl, I named everything Rose Marie. As I grew older, I realized that the lineage I feel most aligned with on this planet is the Rose line of the Christ/Magdalen energies (rooting in the Isis temples of ancient Egypt). After high school, I started walking the path of the Beloved more consciously. The book the Magdalen Manuscript served as an essential part of this process. It would serve as an inspiration and guide for my lifelong journey into the path of relationship alchemy.
So how do Mermaids and the path of the Rose/Magdalen/Isis lineage relate? They both represent the return of the Divine Feminine, specifically the archetype of the Mother. It is an immersion into Love, Grace, and Surrender.
To begin, it’s helpful to note that Mary was a title used for priestesses of woman who considered themselves brides of God, specifically David kings. This makes sense when you consider the virgin Mary and Mary Magdalen. They were both priestesses of Isis.
In Egyptian, the word is derived from Mry “beloved” or Mr “love”. Mer, Merry, Marry, Mary, Marie, Miriam, Meru (indian for yoni, navel, womb, center) are all closely related. Mar in many languages also means Sea. Mary Magdelan was considered a fish goddess. This makes complete sense because the water is the elemental essence of the divine feminine. The Mer aspect of Mermaid means beloved, love, or sea, so what does maid mean? On the surface, maid means servant or in service to. However, another meaning is a virgin. By virgin I do not mean not having had sex. A virgin is an energetic state that feels pristine, innocent, and pure, which are all elements that can be and hopefully are felt when making love.
So what is in the name Mermaid?
A pure woman in service to the sea of love.
I cannot think of a more beautiful mission statement for my life.
We are in the time of the mermaids, the Age of Aquarius and the return of the Divine Feminine. Mermaids represent what we need to return to if we hope to evolve as a species instead of go extinct. They symbolize immersion in the elements, connection with the cosmic womb, deep alignment with the Divine Mother, beauty, grace, love. The same thing that the energies of the Magdalen represent to me.
I am in service to the Sea, to the Divine Feminine, to Love. This is what it means to be a Mermaid of the Magdalen. I dedicate my life to living in alignment with the truths that the water whispers sweetly to my soul.
What is the Lineage of these Teachings?
The water transcends all cultures and religions, however, my soul has had many incarnations from the lineage of Isis and the Mary lines so this mystery school is steeped in the gnosis of Sophia wisdom. However, I deeply honor how the divine mother & water moves beyond form and lenses of perception. The beauty of the water is that it transcends all belief systems. All cultures. She unites us all. We all need water. We are all made of water. Most cultures around the world honor the water as mother and the etomology for water is close to mother in many languages.
Most of the teachings that I share are from Europe as I am mostly European by blood. However, I do share tid bits of water mythos and goddesses from other cultures as it pertains to what we are studying.