“What are you doing! You almost got hit by a car taking that corner too wide!” My voice is a bit raised as my beloved and I ride home. “No I didn’t! They weren’t even close to hitting me!” He defends. It turns out that we have different definitions of “close”. Our...
Recently, I bought an almost $400 sustainably sourced garnet and offered it in ceremony with holy water, honey and prayers to my favorite waterfall. I know that probably sounds nuts to many of you but hear me out. This is my form of Seva to the Deva. Or service to the...
Did you know that the first recorded story of a mermaid claims that she lived in a lake, not the ocean? I was shocked when I first heard this. Legend has it that over 3000 years ago in ancient Assyria there lived a goddess by the name of Atargatis or Ataratheh (which...
I have always disliked the name G-Spot. To name a sacred part of a female’s body after a man who supposedly “discovered” it is so obviously wrong yet perfectly illustrates the backwards nature of our modern culture. After years of not finding anything better to call...
Casual sex doesn’t exist. There is nothing casual about exchanging sacred sexual fluids. These waters flow as liquid scrolls of light telling a story deeper than could ever be communicated with words. Not just your story but that of your ancestors. Not just the pretty...
I’m ready for a new story. Jesus off the cross, alive.In Magdalene’s arms.Kissing her pregnant belly. The sacredness of sexuality & family. I see the return of the sun.The holy masculine essence.That says no more.With a warrior spirit.To this broken system...