Worship Your Lover

Do you want your beloved to adore you like a goddess? Act like one and treat him like a god. Then see how he treats you as the goddess.  I often hear women wishing their men would adore them more in the bedroom. It’s sad, but most men haven’t been taught how to...

Crystal Water Offerings

Recently, I bought an almost $400 sustainably sourced garnet and offered it in ceremony with holy water, honey and prayers to my favorite waterfall. I know that probably sounds nuts to many of you but hear me out. This is my form of Seva to the Deva. Or service to the...

Mermaid of the Magdalene

I never resonated with the classic starfish in the hair, Barbie style mermaid, nor the dark fanged, lure sailors to their death version. There was something more mystical and sacred regarding my desire to live under the sea. That the mermaid essence I’m most aligned...

She Came Back Article

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My Favorite Name for the G-spot

I have always disliked the name G-Spot. To name a sacred part of a female’s body after a man who supposedly “discovered” it is so obviously wrong yet perfectly illustrates the backwards nature of our modern culture. After years of not finding anything better to call...

War Against the Masculine

There is a war against the Divine Masculine. I don’t know the inner workings of what it feels like. I’m not a man. I just see the results from the outside. Hear stories from the men I love. And the stories on the news of those who need more love. I know...

Praying During Sex

If I’m in my head thinking while having sex, I love to switch to prayer and praise. It is so powerful to celebrate and pray for your beloved during lovemaking. To pour your love and gratitude into them. To feel it move and baptize every cell. Give the mind a beautiful...

Oracular Musings

There is a theif who wants to steal your peace. “You can’t be at peace now,” says the thief. There is so much to be not peaceful about. Here’s a great reason! That one looses allure? Here’s a better reason! “Oh this one, this one is so great you can’t be at peace! It...

Sacred Union

“Making love with you is my most powerful spiritual practice & meditation. Let’s cuddle, sync our breath and fill each other with gratitude.” Hearing these words pour like honey out my beloved’s lips are a soothing balm to my soul. After years of being in a...

Mermaid Origin & Legends

Did you know that the first recorded story of a mermaid claims that she lived in a lake, not the ocean? I was shocked when I first heard this. Legend has it that over 3000 years ago in ancient Assyria there lived a goddess by the name of Atargatis or Ataratheh (which...
Ancient Poetry

Ancient Poetry

  I am ancient The kind of ancient that crushes skin into lines so deep that civilizations grow in the ravines Don't be fooled by reincarnation Sometimes I feel like an ocean stuck in a vase told to keep a flower alive that's dying when all I'm made to do it...

How Beautiful You Are

How Beautiful You Are

  If you could only see just how beautiful you are How your cells are stars on a canvas of midnight dreams The rhythmic brush strokes on your holy grail that keep spring coming The precious folds of your skin and bones meeting the consciousness of your soul in...

War Against the Masculine

War Against the Masculine

There is a war against the Divine Masculine. I don’t know the inner workings of what it feels like. I’m not a man. I just see the results from the outside. Hear stories from the men I love. And the stories on the news of those who need more love. I know...

You are Worthy

You are Worthy

  Women, we have patterns in us that have been braided so tightly we think they’re natural. Like the hair on our head or the skin around our bones. Yet these patterns are not natural. Actually, they work in opposition to life and in order for us to truly live,...

Mermaid of the Magdalene

Mermaid of the Magdalene

I never resonated with the classic starfish in the hair, Barbie style mermaid, nor the dark fanged, lure sailors to their death version. There was something more mystical and sacred regarding my desire to live under the sea. That the mermaid essence I’m most aligned...